Doing Business in Gibsonville

If you’re new to doing business in Gibsonville, Welcome! Here is a guide that was designed to help you in opening in our community!

Gibsonville Economic & Demographic Data

Gibsonville has undertaken several studies since 2005 to validate the community's desire for planned growth and to identify the economic criteria that are essential to creating sustainable business development in town.  In 2015, an economic study was undertaking to establish the economic profile of Gibsonville an to identify potential business opportunities.

Three primary factors influence demand for real estate: jobs, tourism and lifestyle relocations.  Gibsonville has the potential to grow in all three areas due to our location and lifestyle profile.  We can increase the number of housing units within walking distance of downtown by utilizing empty sites and underutilized mill buildings.  Businesses that support such a walking community already exist in town, but more can be added and the existing businesses can increase capacity as well.

For more detailed information regarding business opportunities please contact Town Planner Brandon Parker at 336 449-4144 or


The Town of Gibsonville provides incentives to businesses to invest in their properties and also assist in recruitment new businesses and retaining existing businesses.  Listed below are various incentives businesses may participate in. 

To learn more about this programs please contact Town Manager Ben Baxley at (336) 449-4144, ext. 7 or

Permits Planning Guide

The following are some of the activities within Gibsonville City limits require a permit:

  1. New business starting here

  2. New Commercial or Residential Construction

  3. Existing business relocating to a new location

  4. Existing business expanding at same location

  5. Remodeling/renovation/alterations of an existing structure

  6. Installing any exterior signage

  7. Special events, temporary or mobile vendors

  8. Closure of any street or sidewalk for special events

Prospective business owners should contact the Gibsonville Planning Department to verify applicable requirements.

Submittal Requirements for New, Relocating, or Expanding Businesses

Submittals forms: (available on the Town Planning Department web page see contacts below)

  1. “Application for Rezoning”

  2. “Application for sign permit, swimming pool, mobile home, modular home, driveway, building residential, building commercial, demolition, daycare, etc. ”

Submittals plans:

  1. Construction drawings with scale floor plans for interior work, and architectural elevations for exterior work.

  2. Engineered utility plans as needed.

Review Process:

  1. Planning Department.

  2. Special review for restaurants and certain other businesses by Guilford or Alamance County Health Department

  3. Approval time is normally one week, but may vary due to complexity of the project.

Inspections and Occupancy Permits

  1. Building inspections are performed by Alamance County Inspections Department.

  2. Health inspections are done by either Guilford or Alamance County.

  3. Certificate of Occupancy is issued by Alamance County Inspections Department.

  4. The public is NOT allowed to use the facility without the Certificate of Occupancy.

Permit Fees

These are some of the planning fees only; permits are required for construction inspections or health inspections by the appropriate county agency, plus utility connection fees from the Town.

  1. Zoning Permit $25

  2. Rezoning/Variance Application $200

  3. Storm Water Plan Review Permit $500

  4. Permits for: $25

  • Signage

  • Building construction residence or building construction commercial

  • Driveway construction

  • Mobile home or Modular home

  • Demolition

  • Daycare

  • Swimming pool

Planning Department
129 W Main Street
(336) 449-4144, ext. 2
Brandon Parker, Town Planner