Water & Sewer Services

Sewer Stoppages
Indications of a sewer stoppage include plumbing fixtures that do not drain, sewage backing up into tubs or toilets, or if a sewer cleanout pipe exists, sewage may be seeping from the sewer cleanout pipe at the edge of the property. A sewer cleanout pipe is a vertical pipe 4 inches in diameter, which is found within the right-of-way. It allows the Town direct access to the sewer service line and enables the Town to assist the customer with some sewer stoppages.
When a stoppage occurs, the customer should contact the Gibsonville Public Works Department at (336) 449-7188, Mon-Fri 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. or (336) 449-4144, ext. 1 until 5:00 p.m., and (336) 449-6677 after hours and on holidays. The Town will assess the stoppage to determine if the blockage is on the Town's side of the sewer line or the homeowner's side of the sewer line.
The Town of Gibsonville will clear blockages that occur in the main sewer line or in the sewer lateral, from the mainline to the cleanout pipe. Homeowners are responsible for blockages that occur in the sewer lateral, located between the cleanout pipe and the structure. If there is no cleanout pipe at the edge of the property, the homeowner is responsible for blockages that occur anywhere in the sewer lateral.
Water Leaks
Whenever a customer experiences a water leak inside their home or business, they should attempt to locate and turn off the main water shut-off valve for their structure. If unable to locate or shut off the main water valve, call the Gibsonville Public Works Department at (336) 449-7188, Mon-Fri 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. or (336) 449-4144 until 5:00 p.m., and (336) 449-6677 after hours and on holidays, to have the water meter shut off so repairs can be made. The homeowner is responsible for repairs inside the home and outside the home from the home or business to the water meter.
Please report any water leaks in the street or between the meter and the street to the Gibsonville Public Works Department at (336) 449-7188, Mon-Fri 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. or (336) 449-4144 until 5:00 p.m., and (336) 449-6677 after hours and on holidays.
If you notice an unusual increase in your water consumption on your Town of Gibsonville Utility Bill, you may consider checking around the hot water tank and underneath the home for water leaks. Toilets can also be checked for leaks by performing a dye test. Contact the Gibsonville Town Hall at (336) 449-4144, ext. 1 to further discuss your water consumption increase.
Water and Sewer Service Lines
The Town will repair leaks, breaks and blockages that occur in the main water or sewer line or in the water or sewer service line from the water meter or clean-out pipe – typically located in the front yard near the property line - to the mainline. Homeowners are responsible for leaks, breaks and blockages that occur in the water or sewer service line located between the water meter or clean-out pipe and their home/business. While customers may periodically receive solicitations offering various services related to their utility connections like line protection programs, the Town of Gibsonville is not affiliated with these companies or their offerings. Gibsonville utility customers should weigh the merits of the program but are under no obligation or requirement to participate.
Water and Sewer Billing
The Town of Gibsonville provides water and sewer services to residents and businesses. Please complete the application and return in person to Gibsonville Town Hall (129 West Main Street in Gibsonville). If you have general water billing questions, request for new service, or transfer of service please contact the water department at Town Hall at 336-449-4144, ext. 1.