Curbside Garbage Collection
Curbside collection of household waste is provided once a week to all single-family residences. To find out what day your garbage is collected, please contact the Gibsonville Public Works Department at (336) 449-7188 or view the garbage route map link below.
Garbage Collection Policy
Only household garbage should be placed in rollout carts.
Only garbage contained in the town-provided rollout carts will be collected.
The rollout cart should be placed at the curb before 7 a.m. the day of collection or after 7 p.m. on a preceding day.
Residents are responsible for removing all solid waste receptacles and uncollected solid waste from the street by 7 p.m. on the designated pickup day.
All garbage should be contained in bags and should not overflow the cart. The lid should close completely.
The rollout cart must be within 3 feet of the curb, with the handle facing away from the street.
The cart should be at least 4 feet clear of parked cars, trees and all other obstructions that may impede the garbage truck's mechanical arm from lifting the cart.
Items Not Allowed in Rollout Carts
Pressurized containers
Used oil
Shock sensitive waste
Radioactive waste
Construction/demolition materials
Fuel tanks or fuel cans
Hazardous waste
Medical waste
Chemical byproducts
The Town of Gibsonville provides recycling services through a contract with Republic Services.
Republic Services can be contacted at (336) 724-0842 or GibsonvilleService@RepublicServices.com.
Recyclables are collected every other week in 95-gallon blue recycling roll carts. Those who live north of the railroad tracks will have a Tuesday collection day. Those who live south of the railroad tracks will have a Wednesday collection day. Please have carts placed at the road by 6am.
Recycling roll carts can be obtained from the Gibsonville Public Works Department by calling (336) 449-7188.
Items to recycle:
Plastics #1-7 (without lids), cardboard (NO pizza boxes), aluminum (NO aluminum foil), glass, paper
Brush Collection
Brush Collection Policy
Brush is collected once every two weeks year-round.
Brush must be free of trash and separated from leaves.
Brush must be within 4 feet of the curb to be collected.
Brush must not exceed 8 feet in length and must be no larger than 8 inches in diameter.
Limbs must be stacked in one pile, with all limbs lying in the same direction.
Not Collected
Debris from land clearing operations. This includes brush containing dirt, trash and stumps.
Pay Pile Information
Amounts of brush that exceed what can be hauled safely on the town’s 1-ton dump truck will be tagged as a pay pile with a charge of $75.00 per truckload.
Rental Truck
The Town has a rental truck that can be delivered at the end of each business day for the cost of $100.00. This can be scheduled through the Gibsonville Town Hall at 336-449-4144 extension 1.
Christmas Trees
Christmas trees are collected and chipped curbside as part of the Town of Gibsonville’s regular shipping routes. Remove all decorations from the tree, including any nails from the stand, and place them at the curb for pickup.
Construction and Demolition Waste
Public Works does not collect construction or demolition waste. This includes anything related to remodelling or construction, such as drywall, plywood, painted or treated wood, pallets, concrete, bricks, rocks, carpet and plumbing items. Citizens are responsible for the disposal of these materials.
Effective November 1, 2013, the Town eliminated the curbside collection of household hazardous waste (HHW).
HHW includes but is not limited to acids/bases (i.e. acetone, parts cleaners, and turpentine), auto fluids (i.e. antifreeze, brake, motor oil, starter, transmission), car and other wet cell batteries, contact cement, driveway sealer, fiberglass, epoxy, gasoline, and other fuels, glue (solvent-based), lighter fluid, paint, paint thinner, paint stripper, photographic chemicals, shellac, stain, varnishes, deck sealers, wood preservatives, all types of batteries, florescent bulbs, furniture polish, metal polish (solvent-based), fungicide, mercury thermometers and thermostats, pesticides, insect spray, rat poison, weed killer, pool chemicals, cleaners (solvent-based), drain cleaners, floor care products, hair remover, nail polish and polish remover, and oven cleaner.
The Town of Gibsonville will hold HHW collection/Shred events at various times throughout the year. Dates will be posted on the town calendar as scheduled.