Hazardous Waste

Effective November 1, 2013, the Town eliminated the curbside collection of household hazardous waste (HHW).
HHW includes but is not limited to acids/bases (i.e. acetone, parts cleaners, and turpentine), auto fluids (i.e. antifreeze, brake, motor oil, starter, transmission), car and other wet cell batteries, contact cement, driveway sealer, fibreglass epoxy, gasoline and other fuels, glue (solvent-based), lighter fluid, paint, paint thinner, paint stripper, photographic chemicals, shellac, stain, varnishes, deck sealers, wood preservatives, all types of batteries, florescent bulbs, furniture polish, metal polish (solvent-based), fungicide, mercury thermometers and thermostats, pesticides, insect spray, rat poison, weed killer, pool chemicals, cleaners (solvent-based), drain cleaners, floor care products, hair remover, nail polish and polish remover, and oven cleaner.

The Town of Gibsonville will hold household hazardous waste events throughout the year. Events will be posted on the calendar as scheduled.

Gibsonville residents that live in Guilford County can take HHW to the HHW Center located at Ecoflow, Inc., 2750 Patterson Street in Greensboro and participate in collection events offered by the County of Guilford. The HHW Center is open W-F, 10am - 6 pm, Saturday, 8am - 2pm.  There is no charge at the site for dropping off materials.  Commercial use is prohibited.  If you have questions, contact the HHW Hotline at (336) 373-2196.  Do not bring the following items to the HHW Center: explosives/shock-sensitive materials, garbage, medical waste, radioactive materials, reactive/unstable materials, recyclables, commercial hazardous waste, and unknown/unlabeled materials.

Gibsonville residents that live in Alamance County can take some HHW (used oil, used oil filters, antifreeze, used cooking oil, and lead-acid batteries) to the Alamance County landfill at 2701 Austin Quarter Road 27253 (336) 376-8902. 

These items should not be included in your weekly garbage collection.